NCS color code S 7502-Y is part of the color collection NCS Index 1950, color category S 7000 - S 8505 Alternative colours for S 7502-Y from the NCS 1950 colour range and convert colours to and from the RAL, BS4800, BS5252, BS2660 and BS381C, Pantone, DIN 6164, Australian Standard 2700, Farrow and Ball, Little Greene, Federal Standard 595, Dulux Trade and NCS ranges


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Natural Color System / NCS S 7502-Y / #46403b Hex-Farbcode. Der hexadezimale Farbcode #46403b ist ein mittel-dunkel Farbton von orange. Im RGB-Farbmodell enthält #46403b 27.45% Rot, 25.1% Grün und 23.14% Blau. Im HSL-Farbraum hat #46403b einen Farbtonwinkel von 27° (Grad), 9% Sättigung und 25% Helligkeit. The RGB values for Natural Color System S 7502-Y are 81, 77, 72 and the HEX code is #514D48. The LRV for Natural Color System S 7502-Y is 7.55. The LRV stands for Light Reflectance Value and measures the percentage of light that a color reflects.


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R: 41 G: 45 B: 47. NCS Standard Colour: S 7502-Y. The colours displayed on screen have been produced electronically. They are not a substitute for real colour samples, because our perception of colour is affected by the finish of the material, gloss, lighting conditions, and other factors.

Färgen är NCS S 0500-N och fönstren med sina vackra spröjs har färg NCS S 0502-Y. Taket mellangrå, Benders 200 28.

The colours at the monitor are approximately the RAL and NCS colour tonality. Please use the original RAL or NCS colour charts for precise colour reproduction. S 0500-N. S 1000-N. S 1500-N. S 2000-N.

S 5005-G50Y. S 7502-B. S8005-B20G. 2,0.


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Yellow Sandstone. S 2020-Y20R. Grain. ISAN 0000-0003-3CF1-0000-Y-0000-0000-9, Gå På Vatten, -, -, 2000, 83 min, Lars Westman, unitary, Gå På Vatten (SWE), Gå På Vandet (DAN - alternate) NCS S 7502-Y. NCS S 3005-Y20R.

Användningsområde, Sjukvård;Skola;Assistansbostad;  (NCS S 1502-Y), Maison-beige (NCS S 3005-Y20R), Entrée-grey (NCS S 5005-Y50R), Château-black (NCS S 7502-Y), Foyer-red (NCS S 4050-Y80R). Vitt glas  Väggar: Spacklas slät och målas grå/vit NCS S 1002-Y. Tak: Fast gips till en mörkgrå NCS S 7502-Y på högskåp och en ljusare grå/vit NCS S 1002-Y på. 2” och ”Sömmerskan” skall ha 4- ledarsystem (TN-C). 9. PE/N och PEN skena skall vara av typ CEWE.
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HEJDENBERG WESSMAN. CAMILLA WESSMAN arkitekt SIR/MSA  BUKI 7502 - Vehículo de Aire: Juguetes y juegos. Herramientas de neumáticos y ruedas Buki France 7502 Vehículo de Aire Herramientas para coche  Färg 1434 Elegant S7502-Y. Garderobdörrar till PAX garderob från IKEA .1434 Elegant S7502-Y. Luckor till PAX garderob från IKEA.

5407/24. NCS 8500-N. 15/1. NCS 2010-Y10R.
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L* a* b*, RGB and HLC Values for S 7502-Y from the NCS 1950 colour range Choose Range: Choose colour range RAL Classic RAL Design RAL Effect British Standards 4800/5252 BS 381 C BS 2660 BS 5252 Other BS colours Pantone ® Coated Pantone ® Uncoated ASTM F934 fencing DIN 6164 NCS 1950 Australian Standard Dulux ® Trade Farrow and Ball Little

1202-Y23R. 15714. Opaque. NCS S 7502-Y.

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NEW Ricoh Paper Feed Unit: Machine or Copier: Ass'y (. Ricoh Savin Lanier MP 6002 7502 9002. BYPASS ). Part#D131-2550.

Timepaints. Takkassi Street. Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia - Riyadh. Tel : (+966 11) 4280000.

NCS S 7502-Y. NCS S 3005-Y20R. NCS S 3502-B. NCS S 7010-Y70R. NCS S 5502-Y. NCS S 2005-Y20R. Etapp 1 - Villa 99. Etapp 2 - Villa XL. Tak Plannja 

Complimentary Colors. NCS S 7502-B NCS S 6020-B NCS S 8502-B.

NCS S 6005-B20G NCS S 5020-B10G NCS S 7005-B20G.